MNP Mount Pearl Bankruptcy

Nearly 125,000 entities including individuals and businesses seek help to get out of debt in Canada each year.


If you are one of them and also a resident of the Mount Pearl, Newfoundland area, we are ready to assist you, no matter how complicated your case may be.


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In our decades of service in matters relating to debt and bankruptcy, there is no instance of a single case that we did not crack successfully.


Most people will tell you that the debt solution is easy.


We agree.


However, no one will tell you whether your solution also offers you the best deal.


An expensive solution is not in your best interest, even if it may be considerably less than the amount you may have actually owed.


Alternatively, bankruptcy may also not be the best solution, even if it means having to pay back nearly nothing.


What is the best deal for someone seeking debt help, then?


It entirely depends on a number of factors including the amount of your debt, the amount serviced, your current earning, your annual income and a number of other factors.


These factors, when taken into account, can give us a clear insight into the nature of your problem, which will enable us to determine the best deal possible for you.


For instance, if your financial record is clean and the quantum of your debt is high but for some reason, you have lost your source of income for some time now, you certainly deserve the best deal.


The best deal in this case is certainly not filing bankruptcy.


Filing bankruptcy may appear to be an easy solution, but it also closes your doors to financial companies in the future.


So, in your case, the best solution is one that gives you time flexibility.


Nevertheless, when you meet us face to face we only recommend the several courses open to you and explain the pros and cons of each one of them.


We leave the choice on you but we will certainly explain to you why one option is better than the rest.

MNP Mount Pearl Bankruptcy
860 Topsail Road
Mount Pearl NL A1N 3J7
Phone: 709-400-2334