Getting back on your feet financially after bankruptcy may seem like a daunting task. However, with the right approach and determination, you can rebuild your credit and regain financial stability. Here are six essential steps you should take to repair your credit after bankruptcy.
1. Setting Up New Banking Accounts
The first step towards rebuilding your credit is to open new chequing and savings accounts. This is crucial as it can help you manage your finances better and start afresh.
1.1 Open a Chequing Account
Consider opening a Basic Bank Account with a trusted bank. This type of account usually has a low monthly fee and allows you to perform essential banking tasks, like paying bills automatically and making transactions.
1.2 Open a Savings Account
Alongside the chequing account, you should also open a savings account. A practical savings account such as the Momentum Plus Savings Account can help you develop financial discipline while building up your savings.
2. Regular Bill Payments
The second step to repair your credit after bankruptcy is to ensure that all your bills are paid on time. This includes utilities, internet, and phone bills. Regular and timely payments will gradually build a healthy credit history.
3. Secured Credit Card
Secured credit cards can be a great tool to rebuild your credit. A secured credit card requires a deposit that serves as your credit limit. By using the card responsibly and making payments on time, you can slowly improve your credit score.
4. Limiting Your Expenses
After bankruptcy, it’s crucial to adopt a disciplined approach towards your expenses. Avoid making unnecessary purchases or using payday loans. Use this fresh start to develop new, more responsible financial habits.
5. Applying for Unsecured Credit Cards
Once you’ve demonstrated responsible financial habits and improved your credit score using a secured credit card, you can start researching options for an unsecured credit card. Make sure to read the fine print before applying, as some card issuers might require you to be bankruptcy-free for a certain number of years.
6. Exiting Consumer Proposal
If you’ve opted for a consumer proposal instead of bankruptcy, consider applying for a consumer proposal loan. This type of loan allows you to pay off your creditors, exit the consumer proposal, and start rebuilding your credit.
Bankruptcy should be seen not as a life sentence, but as a chance for a fresh start. By following these six necessary steps, you can repair your credit after bankruptcy and regain your financial independence.