About Us - Bankruptcy Canada

Why choose Bankruptcy Canada for debt relief?  

What we do

About Us - Bankruptcy Canada

Bankruptcy Canada is the #1 bankruptcy site in Canada in terms of number of visitors, content and the scope and breadth of information we provide.

Bankruptcy Canada has quality pages of information in both official languages and has been on the Internet since 1999.

Bankruptcy Canada helps people get a fresh financial start, with more than 430 trustee offices across Canada.

Our website is HTTPs encrypted for added protection.

Earl Sands, Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Earl Sands, MBA, CGA, CPA, CIRP, LIT is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

He wrote the Canadian Insolvency Guide, which was first published in 2005 by Self Counsel Press and has been sold in stores across Canada for $12.95.

He currently operates one of the best resources on the Internet; Bankruptcy Canada.

He started Bankruptcy Canada in 1999 to provide bankruptcy information for Canadians in all provinces and territories in Canada.

The objective of the Bankruptcy Canada website is to provide a person, who is considering declaring bankruptcy or making a consumer proposal, the information he or she needs to come to an informed decision.

We are members of or an alumnus of the following:

SFU Logo     CGA Logo     CPA Logo     CAIRP Logo


We have received many unsolicited testimonials such as this one:

Thank you for your information. It is always accurate and helpful. This is one of the most useful site I know. I wish all sites were as professional as you are.

Anon, NB    Submit your review.

Some of the Special Features and Accomplishments of Bankruptcy Canada:

bankruptcy CanadaSecure Website – Our website has been secured in order to protect your data. You can tell it is a safe site by the fact that the site has a padlock icon, which is closed and the URL is https://www.bankruptcycanada.com.

tickResponsive Website Design – In February, 2013 we began converting to a responsive website design. This results in our website being enabled to view well on all devices including large screen TVs, large monitors, laptops, tablets and smart phones.

tickOur site is FAST! – According to Alexa.com our site loads in 1.294 seconds and is faster than 63% of websites.

tickGood Communication with our visitors. – We know that insolvency is a difficult subject. We are promoting good communication by having the following:

  • An Evaluation Request, where a trustee will call you with a personal evaluation.

tickEnhanced Access for the Disabled – We have followed guidelines to make our website “disabled friendly” by:

  • Having good colour contrast between text and background;
  • Meaningful text link descriptions;
  • Proper use of headers such as h1, h2 etc;
  • Keeping the layout simple and reducing clutter by use of proper semantic structure;
  • Using proper punctuation so voice synthesizers will produce cadences and pauses accordingly, making sentences more understandable as they are read aloud;
  • Our site’s use of responsive design, which allows the site to be enlarged without loss of fidelity.

checkmark global-news Referenced on Global T.V.’s 6:00 O’clock News on October 4, 2000 as “Website of the Week”;

checkmark cbc-logo vancouver-sun the provinceReferenced on numerous stories on the CBC, The Vancouver Sun and the Province as well as other publication across Canada.

checkmarkReferenced in the book The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Beating Debt for Canadians (published by Prentice Hall Canada in April, 2000);

checkmarkReferenced on “Business Failure Prediction” in Canadian Guide to Troubled Businesses and Bankruptcies, Authors: Tessis, Kenneth M. and Gaertner, Jerrard B. (published by Carswell in May, 2001);

checkmarkA French version (Thanks to Fabien Tremblay, trustee in bankruptcy);

checkmarkSpecial features to assist people to better understand bankruptcy and consumer proposals;

checkmarkA Bankruptcy Calculator that gives the exact cost of a bankruptcy and how long a person will be in bankruptcy;

checkmarkA Debt Repayment Calculator that gives four debt repayment options, thus avoiding bankruptcy;

checkmarkPowerPoint Presentations that give a clear understanding on how Bankruptcy and Consumer Proposals work;

checkmarkRebuilding Credit after bankruptcy or a consumer proposal. Following these steps will help with rebuilding your credit so that two years after your discharge you will be able to get the most challenging credit – a mortgage – at the same interest rate, as the person who is the most credit worthy person who has never been in bankruptcy.

We Wrote the Book on Bankruptcy!

Our book, the Canadian Insolvency Guide, was first published in 2005 by Self Counsel Press and has been sold in stores across Canada for $12.95.

We have updated the book for the new bankruptcy laws and other matters as of May, 2011, and is available online for FREE.

Media Relations:

I am available for comment on Canadian Bankruptcy matters. I can be reached very quickly by Email.

We answer all Email the same day it is received.

Professional Qualifications:

The founder of this site, Earl Sands, MBA, CGA, CPA, CIRP, LIT is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee who founded a successful trustee firm in Vancouver, BC.   The firm grew to include 6 offices and handled the most bankruptcies and proposals of any firm in BC when Mr. Sands sold his firm.

He operates one of the best resources on the Internet in regards to bankruptcy in Canada; Bankruptcy Canada.

Business Operations:

BankruptcyCanada is owned and operated by Imaginex Marketing Inc. 

BankruptcyCanada is operated from 13760 Malabar Avenue in the Vancouver suburb of White Rock.

* NO Trustees available at this address!

Find Your Personal Debt Relief Solution

Licensed Insolvency Trustees are here to help. Get a free assessment of your options.

Legally Cut Your Debt By 80% And Stop Interest Charges

Stop Interest Charges Immediately
Unfreeze Bank Accounts
Stop Wage Garnishment
Stop Legal Actions

I was feeling overwhelmed by my credit debt, constantly receiving calls and letters from debt collectors, which caused a great deal of stress. It seemed like there was no way out of this situation. However, I discovered Bankruptcy Canada while listening to my local talk radio station. This organization proved to be friendly, empathetic, knowledgeable, and professional, with extensive experience in their field.

During our initial meeting, they took the time to understand my debt and financial circumstances. They explained the various options available to me and helped create a personalized plan that would be most beneficial for my situation. With their assistance, I was able to avoid declaring bankruptcy by presenting a consumer proposal to my creditors. Fortunately, my proposal was accepted, and I am extremely relieved to finally be free of debt, all thanks to BankruptcyCanada. The burden on my shoulders feels significantly lighter now, and I truly believe that Bankruptcy Canada has the most skilled specialists in debt relief.

